Работа специалист it отдела Украина. ⚡ Найдено 3484 вакансий

  • Technical Writer, Skyvia BU

    Devart Remote, Slovakia, Ukraine 14 часов назад
    The Skyvia team is looking for a Technical Writer to join Skyvia Technical Writers team. In this role, you will work on documentation, create technical content, describe new product features, update and create product pages. Skyvia is a universal no- ...
  • Product Marketing Lead | Uklon UA

    Uklon Україна 14 часов назад
    Як саме ти можеш впливати на розвиток компанії: розробляти та реалізовувати стратегію розвитку продуктів сервісу задля досягнення поставлених KPIs проводити глибоку аналітику, пошук інсайтів, зон росту на всіх етапах воронки формувати ціннісну пропозицію ...
  • Senior Business Intelligence Analyst/Data Reporting Analyst

    8allocate Remote 14 часов назад
    Client Project:Our client is a leading educational technology provider based in the USA. With over 25 years of experience, they have been delivering engaging, game-like programs covering reading, math, and Spanish. These programs have reached over 4 ...
  • Strong Middle/Senior DevOps Engineer

    8allocate Remote 14 часов назад
    About the project:The client is a provider of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions to customers primarily in the US with some reach into other partners of the world. With a robust commitment to innovation and excellence, the client has established itself as ...
  • CRM Specialist | Uklon UA

    Uklon Україна 14 часов назад
    How exactly you can influence the development of the Company: working on segmentation and building the customer lifecycle by region and country developing and implementing motivational programmes for customer retention by region and country validating ...
  • SMM manager

    SkySoft.tech Вінниця, Україна 14 часов назад
    вимоги:passion for social networks;competent command of the English language at a level no lower than intermediate;the ability to write texts that are interesting to read, discuss, save and share;experience with Photoshop, Figma, Canva or other photo and ...
  • Middle Full-stack (PHP+Vue.js) Developer

    8allocate Remote 14 часов назад
    About the project:Our client is a UK provider of professional and certified translation services. We translate, edit, and certify thousands of documents monthly, ensuring that our clients are able to complete applications successfully or communicate ...
  • AWS Glue / Spark Tech Lead

    8allocate Remote 14 часов назад
    About the project:Our client is an Israeli fintech company, a pioneering firm in AI-powered financial analysis. They specialize in transforming complex financial data into actionable insights, aiding investors globally. Their technology covers an extensive ...
  • Senior Full-Stack Developer

    8allocate Remote 14 часов назад
    About the project: The Client is a US-based company, that develops a construction intelligence platform for real estate owners and developers, allowing to monitor construction projects around the world. They want to extend their US-based engineering team ...
  • HR People Partner | Uklon UA

    Uklon Україна 14 часов назад
    How exactly you can influence the development of the Company: maintaining the full life-cycle process of employees conducting 1-on-1 and exit interviews initiating and implementing new HR approaches and projects regular monitoring of employee satisfaction ...
  • Business Process Analyst | Uklon UA

    Uklon Україна 14 часов назад
    Як саме ти можеш впливати на розвиток компанії: описувати поточні та будувати нові бізнес-процеси (AS IS) та моделювати їх (TO BE) оптимізувати та автоматизувати запущені бізнес-процеси (працювати з власниками та ключовими учасниками бізнес-процесів, ...
  • People Partner | Uklon UA

    Uklon Україна 14 часов назад
    Як саме ти можеш впливати на розвиток компанії: супроводжувати повний life-cycle процесу співробітників компанії проводити 1-on-1 та exit-interview ініціювати та впроваджувати нові HR-підходи та проєкти проводити регулярний моніторинг задоволеності та ...
  • Product Marketing Lead | Uklon UA

    Uklon Україна 14 часов назад
    How exactly you can influence the development of the Company: developing and implementing a strategy for the development of service products to achieve the set KPIs conducting in-depth analytics, search for insights, growth areas at all stages of the ...
  • Driver Care Specialist | Uklon UA

    Uklon Україна 14 часов назад
    Як саме ти можеш впливати на розвиток компанії: реєстрація водіїв-партнерів інформаційна підтримка водіїв-партнерів (месенджери, телефоном) консультування водіїв-партнерів щодо успішності співпраці контроль якості надання сервісу водієм-партнером ...

    JTI 14 часов назад
    ... liaison between Business function and IT delivery team, becoming and coordinating other IT teams and 3rd party companies ... . The role also guarantees IT Governance on Marketing & Sales related ... like to review this procedure, it is available upon request.If ...
  • Data Analyst (CRM) | Uklon UA

    Uklon Україна 14 часов назад
    How exactly you can influence the development of the Company: consolidating and analysing information from internal data sources (DWH) in terms of analysing customer behaviour and customer experience preparing, generating and automating operational ...
  • Unity Developer

    WHALEAPP Kiev, Ukraine 14 часов назад
    Чем ты будешь заниматься:писать новую игровую логику и постоянно улучшать существующий функционал (поддержка, оптимизация)предоставлять фидбэка и непрерывно совершенствовать flow разработкиписать качественный код, понятный другим Основные требования:имеешь ...
  • Methodologist/ L&D Manager

    WizardsDev віддалено 14 часов назад
    Необхідні навички— At least 3 years of experience in designing training programs and courses— Deep knowledge of micro learning and its applications in corporate training— Experience working with companies in the service industry — Proficiency in English, ...
  • .Net Developer

    WHALEAPP Kiev, Ukraine 14 часов назад
    Твои задачи: Разработка новых фич Интегрировать сторонние сервисыРабота над бизнес логикой Оптимизация работы сервисов Необходимые навыки и опыт: 3+ Года опыта работы на аналогичной позиции Обязательные знания: .Net Core, ASP.NET Core, MongoDB, Redis, SQL ...
  • Driver Care Specialist | Uklon UA

    Uklon Україна 14 часов назад
    How exactly you can influence the development of the Company: registering partner drivers providing information support to partner drivers (via messengers, by phone) advising partner drivers on the success of cooperation monitoring the quality of service ...