Работа soldador com senai Украина. ⚡ Найдено 2079 вакансий


    JTI 22 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Przedstawiciel/-ka Handlowy/-a (Białystok)

    JTI 22 часа назад
    W JTI cenimy różnorodność, tu każdy może być naprawdę sobą. 46 000 osób z całego świata nieustannie buduje swoją własną historię sukcesu z nami, a 83% pracowników deklaruje zadowolenie z pracy w naszej firmie.Chcesz być częścią tej społeczności? Razem z ...
  • Business Development Associate, China-HK-Macau

    JTI 22 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Warehouse Manager

    JTI 22 часа назад
    We are JTI, Japan Tobacco International, and we are present in 130 countries. We have spent years innovating, creating new and better products for the consumers to choose from. This is our business. But not only. Our business is our people. Their talent. ...
  • Специалист по развитию территории, г. Абакан

    JTI 22 часа назад
    ... вас? Откликнитесь сейчасУзнать больше: jti.com Пожалуйста откликнитесь до 17.03. ...
  • Специалист по развитию территории, Москва

    JTI 22 часа назад
    JTI нельзя охарактеризовать чем-то одним. Это подтверждают 46 000 историй наших коллег по всему миру. 83% сотрудников чувствуют себя счастливыми, работая в JTI.Неважно, чем вы хотите заниматься — создавать инновации, способствовать устойчивому развитию или ...
  • Territory Consumer Lead (Marikina)

    JTI 22 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Key Account Executive

    JTI 22 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Horeca & Events Manager, Sofia

    JTI 22 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Staż w Dziale Make & Pack (IWS)

    JTI 22 часа назад
    W JTI cenimy różnorodność, tu każdy może być naprawdę sobą. 46 000 osób z całego świata nieustannie buduje swoją własną historię sukcesu z nami, a 83% pracowników deklaruje zadowolenie z pracy w naszej firmie.Chcesz być częścią tej społeczności? Razem z ...
  • Leaf Processing Associate - Danville, VA

    JTI 22 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Product Intelligence Sensory Manager (m/f/d)

    JTI 22 часа назад
    ... us at: https: www.jti.com de europe germany top-arbeitgeber ...
  • Специалист по развитию территории, Лабытнанги

    JTI 22 часа назад
    JTI нельзя охарактеризовать чем-то одним. Это подтверждают 46 000 историй наших коллег по всему миру. 83% сотрудников чувствуют себя счастливыми, работая в JTI.Неважно, чем вы хотите заниматься — создавать инновации, способствовать устойчивому развитию или ...
  • Case Packer Operator

    JTI 22 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Au pair Велика Британія (робота з дітьми)

    800-1000 GBP
    Connect Abroad Corporation , , день назад
    ... Велика Британія — https: cac-ua.com ua au-pair uk Вимоги:·         ...
  • RRP Consumer Experience Associate Adriatica

    JTI 22 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • HoReCa & Events Specialist, Sofia

    JTI 22 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Электрик/бригадир

    12-15 евро/ч
    Diamantas.LT , , день назад
    ... одежда , рабочий инструмент- предоставляетсяhttps: dailroom.com form 16 34📞 +37061433659 Viber ...
  • Специалист по персоналу

    JTI 22 часа назад
    Мы JTI, Japan Tobacco International, и мы верим в свободу выбора. Мы уверены, что именно она дает безграничные возможности. Последние 20 лет мы занимались инновациями, совершенствуя и создавая новые продукты, чтобы у наших потребителей всегда был выбор. И ...
  • Finance Controller - Budgeting, Controlling and Reporting (BCR)

    JTI 22 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...