Работа hotel zimowit w wisle Украина. ⚡ Найдено 246 вакансий

  • Job in Germany: IT-Systemadministrator/in (m/w/d)

    PVS Westfalen-Nord GmbH , null, 6 дней назад
    PVS Westfalen-Nord is a service provider for medical practices, clinics and medical care centers of all specialties and supports them in the area of private medical billing. As a modern, medium-sized company in the healthcare sector, we have established ...
  • Job in Germany: Leiter/in (w/m/d) Application Management

    Stadt Nürnberg , null, 6 дней назад
    City of Nuremberg - One employer, many opportunities Nuremberg City Council is a modern service provider for more than half a million people. As one of the largest employers in the region, we rely on the skills and abilities of our approximately 12,500 ...
  • Job in Germany: Storage Operations Engineer (w/m/d)

    ING Deutschland , null, 7 дней назад
    Storage Operations Engineer (f m d) at the Frankfurt location Do you move confidently through huge amounts of data and complex system landscapes and always find a pragmatic solution when troubleshooting? Do you combine IT know-how with creativity and ...
  • Short Term Senior Experts - CSIRT and Incident Response Analysts (M/W)

    Aktor Interactive Group , null, 8 дней назад
    The Cybersecurity Capacity building for Ukraine (CCBU) project aims to deliver basic and advanced cybersecurity trainings aimed at a variety of civilian staff. The training strategy devised under the project foresees a training program dedicated to two ...
  • Short Term Senior Experts - Cybersecurity Training assistants (SOC /CSIRT staff) (M/W)

    Aktor Interactive Group , null, 8 дней назад
    The Cybersecurity Capacity building for Ukraine (CCBU) project aims to deliver basic and advanced cybersecurity trainings aimed at a variety of civilian staff. The training strategy devised under the project foresees a training program dedicated to two ...
  • Short Term Senior Experts - Cybersecurity Training assistants (SOC /CSIRT staff) (M/W)

    Expertise France , null, 8 дней назад
    Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities : - democratic, economic, and financial governance ; - peace, stability, and security ; - ...
  • Short Term Senior Experts - CSIRT and Incident Response Analysts (M/W)

    Expertise France , null, 8 дней назад
    Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities : - democratic, economic, and financial governance ; - peace, stability, and security ; - ...
  • Job in Germany: (Senior) Data Engineer (m/w/d)

    NVL B.V. & Co. KG , null, 8 дней назад
    Crew members wanted Come on board Shipbuilding full of passion, highly specialized naval vessels, innovation and teamwork: Thats what the NVL Group stands for. We are a privately managed, independent shipyard group with four renowned shipyard locations in ...
  • Job in Germany: IT Application Developer (m/w/d) Schwerpunkt Solution Architecture

    Litens Automotive GmbH & Co. KG , null, 9 дней назад
    We are an international company and market leader in the production of high-quality engine components for the automotive industry with a Canadian parent company. We are looking for the next possible date for our location in Gelnhausen for a IT Application ...
  • Job in Germany: IT Infrastructure Architect (m/w/d)

    RheinEnergie AG , null, 9 дней назад
    People with energy work for us. People who are passionate about the needs of our customers. Together, we ensure a secure supply of energy and drinking water in the Rhineland region. We are already thinking about tomorrow today. Because as a future-oriented ...
  • Job in Germany: Application Manager SAP ERP (w/m/d)

    Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen , null, 8 дней назад
    With a business volume of around 200 billion euros and approximately 6,300 employees, Helaba is one of Germanys leading banks. We are a universal bank with a strong regional focus, a selected international presence and close integration into the Sparkassen ...
  • Job in Germany: Product Owner AI & Digital Innovation (m/w/d)

    enercity AG , null, 9 дней назад
    Job ID: J2024954 Product Owner AI & Digital Innovation (m f d) Hanover Full-time Gender is not important to us, what matters to us is that you fit in with our culture and the team and are passionate about your job. Tasks You will develop and communicate a ...
  • Job in Germany: Referent (w/m/d) Data Analyst - "Open Data"

    DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH , null, 9 дней назад
    Consultant (f m d) Data Analyst - Open Data Safety first - and much more. This is our best-known task: the safe and precise organization of air traffic in Germany. Experienced, excellently trained air traffic controllers are responsible for this. As an ...
  • Каменщики,Бетонщики Германия

    :от 13 до 15 евро чистыми,от 3000 евро.
    Praca w Europie , , 12 дней назад
    Каменщики,Бетонщики Место работы —ГерманияПроживание: Жилье 150 евро в месяц с зарплаты.Германия,РайнеТолько с опытом,только профессионалы.Требуются специалисты каменщики бетонщики для работы. Трудоустройство по биометрии:даДолжность:Каменщик ...
  • Водитель-механик - Kierowca C+E w Łukowie

    90 евро в сутки
    ASTERS , , 12 дней назад
    Opis oferty pracyOferujemyОсуществление перевозок по ЕС (Германия, Польша, Бельгия, Голландия и т.д.) Условия: - Официальное трудоустройство - Umowa o prace - рейсы - 90 евро в сутки оплата, поездки продолжительностью от 3-4 недель до 9 недельTransport ...
  • Job in Germany: UX Designer (m/w/d)

    AGILA Haustierversicherung AG , null, 12 дней назад
    UX Designer (m f d) Strong protection - AGILA pet insurance With us, (almost) everything revolves around dogs and cats, because we have decades of experience insuring four-legged friends against high veterinary costs. For dog owners, we also offer strong ...
  • Job in Germany: IT Business Solution Expert (m/w/d)

    Nabaltec AG , null, 12 дней назад
    Nabaltec AG, headquartered in Schwandorf, is an award-winning, innovative company in the chemical industry. Based on aluminum hydroxide and aluminum oxide, Nabaltec develops, produces and distributes highly specialized products for the plastics, ceramics ...
  • Специалисты по внутренней и наружной отделке

    13 до 16 евро или работа за объём ,около 3000 евро и выше
    Praca w Europie , , 14 дней назад
    Специалисты по внутренней и наружной отделкеГермания ,Франкфурт-на МайнеУниверсалы-мастера (плитка,сантехника,гипсокартон, декоративная штукатурка Короед)Отделочники,штукатурщики,плиточники,шпаклевщики,сантехникиТрудоустройство по биометрии: Да Должность: ...
  • Специалисты по мокрому фасаду Германия

    :15 евро в час, с возможностью увеличения,3000 евро в месяц,
    Praca w Europie , , 14 дней назад
    Специалисты по мокрому фасадуБельгия,Антверпен , Франкфурт-на-Майне,ГерманияПрямой работодатель в поиске самостоятельных мастеров на мокрый фасадФасадные отделочные работыКапитальный ремонт фасадаТОЛЬКО С ОПЫТОМ от 3 летПринимаем только мастеров, ...
  • Монтаж солнечных панелей ,

    12 евро в час,2700 евро в месяц нетто
    Praca w Europie , , 14 дней назад
    Монтаж солнечных панелей , Германия,Регенсбург (Бавария)Специалист монтажник универсал по солнечным панелямТрудоустройство по биометрии: параграф 24Должность:Монтаж солнечных панелей- 10 челТолько Украина,Молдова,Белоруссия,страны ЕС.Заработная плата:12 ...