Работа Affiliate Marketing Украина. ⚡ Найдено 161 вакансий в Украине

  • Head of Payments

    United Tech Kyiv 18 часов назад
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  • Consumer Activation Strategy Manager

    JTI 18 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is bring your human best.What will your story...
  • Internal Controls Manager

    JTI 18 часов назад
    We are JTI, Japan Tobacco International, and we are present in 130 countries. We have spent years innovating, creating new and better products for the consumers to choose from. This is our business. But not only. Our business is our people. Their talent. Their potential. We believe that when they ar...
  • Sanctions Manager

    JTI 18 часов назад
    We’re JTI, Japan Tobacco International and we believe in freedom. We think that the possibilities are limitless when you’re free to choose. In fact, we’ve spent the last 20 years innovating, creating new and better products for our consumers to choose from. It’s how we’ve grown to be present in
  • Legal Manager

    JTI 18 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is bring your human best.What will your story...
  • Portfolio & Strategy Manager GTR

    JTI 18 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is bring your human best.What will your story...
  • Operation Manager

    Netpeak Odesa, Ukraine, Remote Ukraine 18 часов назад
    Саме для того, щоб допомогти керівникам сфокусувати свою увагу на розвитку бізнесу та розвантажити від поточних і побутових справ, ми створили команду операційних менеджерів куди шукаємо людину з відмінними навичками організації процесів та вирішення конфліктних ситуацій. Важлива перевага вакансії —...
  • People & Culture Manager Israel

    JTI 18 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is bring your human best.What will your story...
  • Engagement Delivery Manager

    JTI 18 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is bring your human best.What will your story...
  • Corporate Reporting Manager

    JTI 18 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is bring your human best.What will your story...
  • Experience Delivery Manager

    JTI 18 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is bring your human best.What will your story...

    JTI 18 часов назад
    We’re JTI, Japan Tobacco International, and we believe in freedom. We think that the possibilities are limitless when you’re free to choose. And we’ve spent the last 20 years innovating, creating new and better products for our consumers to choose from. But our business, isn’t just business. Our bus...
  • Affiliate Manager

    WizardsDev віддалено 18 часов назад
    Необхідні навички​— Minimum 3 years of experience as a Affiliate Manager​— Proven experience in affiliate management within the trading or financial industry​— Strong network of contacts in the trading sector​— Excellent communication and negotiation skills— Excellent communication and written Engli...
  • Consumer Experience Manager

    JTI 18 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is bring your human best.What will your story...

    JTI 18 часов назад
    Мы JTI, Japan Tobacco International, и мы верим в свободу выбора. Мы уверены, что именно она дает безграничные возможности. Последние 20 лет мы занимались инновациями, совершенствуя и создавая новые продукты, чтобы у наших потребителей всегда был выбор. И сегодня мы представлены в 130 странах мира.Н...
  • Таргетолог

    PairProd remote 18 часов назад
    PairProd – молодая продуктовая компания, работающая в сфере аффилиатного маркетинга ищет в свою команду Media Buyer.Есть опыт работы с CPA моделями и успешные кейсы слива по любой тематике? Хочешь проверить гипотезы на рынке СНГ и усилить свои навыки? Тогда эта вакансия для тебя. Необходимые навыки:...
  • Personal Assistant to CEO (Venture Partnership 6037)

    Genesis Ukraine 18 часов назад
    Привіт!Ми - Venture Partnership 6037. Ми будуємо унікальну модель роботи з перспективними продуктами: інвестуємо у проєкти на ранніх етапах, масштабуємо та допомагаємо створювати успішні компанії.Наша місія – трансформувати Україну: державу-аутсорс у державу-продукт, побудувавши найбільший продуктов...
  • Commercial Planning Manager

    JTI 18 часов назад
    Мы — JTI, Japan Tobacco International, и мы представлены в 130 странах. Мы посвятили годы инновациям, создавая новые и более качественные продукты, из которых потребители могут выбирать. Это наш бизнес. Но не только. Наш бизнес — это наши люди. Их талант. Их потенциал. Мы верим, что, когда они свобо...
  • Middle Partnership Manager (TAF Drones)

    Netpeak Odesa, Ukraine 18 часов назад
    Ми, Netpeak Talent, — рекрутингова агенція від Netpeak Group.Допомагаємо нашому клієнту, TAF Drones, компанії з розробки та виробництва БПЛА знайти досвідченого Partnership Manager в Одесі, із досвідом роботи в офлайн технічних продуктах (електроніка чи електронні вироби, компоненти).Чому варто прац...
  • Warehouse Manager

    JTI 18 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is bring your human best.What will your story...