Consultancy for the implementation of the rehabilitation/construction activities in Odesa reg (M/W)

Expertise France , null, 2025-03-05 21:46:31


Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities : - democratic, economic, and financial governance ; - peace, stability, and security ; - climate, agriculture, and sustainable development ; - health and human development ; In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results.  The main objective of the assignment is to provide assistance to Expertise France (the delegated contracting authority), within the framework of rehabilitation and construction activities specifically undertaken for the APPUI and REHAB projects. This includes technical assistance and further supervision of project management mission, engagement and support during procurement processes, construction oversight, and support for the implementation of a wide range of construction related works in the identified healthcare facilities. The specific objective of this mission is to assist with an expertise during the following phases: Phase 1: Mission Preparation and evaluation report development  - Review of existing documentation available from the health care facilities and its evaluation.  - Site visit, familiarization and examination necessary for the preparation of a technical assessment; - Technical assessment preparation; - Analysis of the data obtained (including from the technical report), and development of an evaluation report identifying the specifics of the project implementation, preliminary technical and technological solutions, types of work and costs; in particular, technical limitations and difficulties in fulfilling risks, etc.   Phase 2: Development of design and estimate documentation (or adjustment of the existing one)  - Drawing up a design specification (or correction) based on the technical survey report, evaluation report, medical task, and all other source data. - Design, including all necessary chapters for project implementation.  - Negotiation and approval of the design and estimate documentation with the stakeholders. Phase 3: Support Expertise France in the selection of the Construction companies - Establish, in conjunction with Expertise France, the tender documentation for the repair works; - Support the selection of the construction companies (analysis of tenders; verification of their conformity with the project; detailed technical and financial comparative analysis of tenders; answer to questions from tenderers during the consultation phase, etc.), drafting of related legal documentation, questionnaires and other relevant templates; Phase 4: Monitoring the execution of the repair works (doesn’t applicable to the Lot’s 6-7) - Architectural supervision of repair works (except for lots with a developed design and construction manual) - Compliance review and approval of the company’s construction performance - For Lots 5-7 it is required to implement identified in ESMP mitigation measures, and ensure compliance with environmental and social standards (ILO, conventions ratified by Ukraine).   Phase 5: Commissioning and transfer of works to the Beneficiary On the final stage of the confirmed timeline of the repair works, and after successful final tests of commissioning of infrastructures, the Contractor organizes the provisional acceptance of the project, and then the final acceptance. The Contractor is in charge of: - Preparation of a preliminary acceptance certificate with a list of comments and a schedule for their elimination (Prepare a detailed report summarizing the repair work performed, including any unfinished work or defects, with deadlines for corrective actions); - Prepare a final acceptance certificate for the entire scope of work; - Assistance in the transfer of the building to the Beneficiary (including a full package of executive documentation in accordance with the DBN); - Guarantees and insurance documents, covering legal guarantees (such as completion, decennial guarantees) and insurance policies taken out for the project) necessary for their exploitation; - Additional legal acceptance documentation necessary for accepting the repair works   Phase 6: End of mission Upon the final acceptance of the repair works, the Contractor will draw up an end-of-site report (the form will be provided by Expertise France), describing the project on its technical and financial aspects. The bidder is expected to make proposals on the documents to be provided for the completion of the work. 1.     Assignment, deliverables, timelineAssignement  Deliverables including but not limited to Estimated timeline Task 1: Design of the terms of reference for the contract ·       Introductory note supporting the approach adopted; ·       Brief descriptive note detailing interior volumes and treatment of the surroundings; ·       Explanatory notice of the proposed technical provisions and performances. ·       Indication of the overall time period of implementation of the operation comprising, where appropriate, phasing according to technical or functional stages. ·       Works provisional forecast estimate;  ·       Justification of the technical solutions chosen, in particular with regard to technical installations; ·       Building permit and demolition permit files, if necessary; ·       Descriptive note specifying the materials, quality assurance; To be determined Task 2: Assistance for the award of works contracts ·        Contracts preparation with subcontractors and recipient (draft, review, technical advice, etc); 2025 (TBC) Task 3. Approval for implementation and synthesis studies ·       Approved suggested plan in the conformity of the plans and execution/implementation documents, drawn up by the construction company; ·       Summary statement of approval or of observations of all execution documents;  2025 (TBC) Task 4: Works contract project management ·       Regular follow-up report from the sites visits; 2025 Task 5: Assistance during acceptance procedure ·       Compiled file of executed works, necessary for the exploitation of the piece of work, from plans coherent with the execution handed over by the Construction company, proofing plans/as-built plans as well as operating instructions and maintenance prescriptions for suppliers of implemented equipment items. October, 2025 As part of the Ministry of Health' s priority project “Mental Health Care in the Structure of Medical Care,” the Ministry is developing an outpatient mental health service. For this purpose, a network of mental health centers will be created. In general, it is planned that such centers will be created in Ukraine on the basis of cluster hospitals of a capable network of healthcare facilities, which have been identified as of today, 157 of which are outpatient clinics. Their services will be financed under the Medical Guarantee Program, which means they will be free of charge for patients.   In the mental health centers, care will be provided by a multidisciplinary team consisting of a psychiatrist and/or a pediatric psychiatrist, a psychologist and/or a psychotherapist, and/or a psychologist (clinical psychologist), and/or a psychotherapist, and a social worker or social work specialist. The next stage of the Ministry of Health's work to bring mental health care closer to Ukrainians will be psychological rehabilitation. It is planned to implement this service on the basis of resort and sanatorium treatment facilities, and the service itself will be aimed at restoring a person's mental health.   The implementation of these steps within the framework of the All-Ukrainian Mental Health Program initiated by Olena Zelenska will ensure a closed system for providing quality and affordable mental health services to the population. Therefore, together with MoH, the following health care facilities were identified for the creation of Mental Health Centers in Odesa region.   The consultant will assist with the following: Lots 1-4 related to creation of MH centers under the CDCS funding in Odesa region and lots 5-7 related to repairing of one Mental Health center and two Rehabilitation departments funded by AFDin the following health care facilities: 1: Project management mission for the creation of Mental Health center in the premises of СommunalNot Commercial Enterprise “Artsyz Central Support Hospital” of Artsyz City Council; Lot 2: Project management mission for the creation of Mental Health center in the premises of СommunalNot Commercial Enterprise “Bilgorod-Dnistrovsky City Multi-Profile Hospital” of Bilgorod-DnistrovskaCity Council; Lot 3: Project management mission for the creation of Mental Health center in the premises of СommunalNot Commercial Enterprise “Odesa Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital” of the Odesa Regional Council; Lot 4: Project management mission for the creation of Mental Health center in the premises of СommunalNon-Profit Enterprise “Rozdilnyanska Multidisciplinary Hospital” of Rozdilnyanska City Council; Lot 5: Project management mission for the creation of Mental Health center in the premises of СommunalNon-Profit Enterprise “City Clinical Hospital #1” of the Odesa City Council; Lot 6: Project management mission for the reconstruction of Rehabilitation department in the premises of Сommunal Nonprofit Enterprise “Biliaivka Multidisciplinary Hospital” of the Biliaivka City Council; Lot 7 Project management mission for the reconstruction of Rehabilitation department in the premises of Сommunal Not Commercial Enterprise “Artsyz Central Support Hospital” of Artsyz City Council; Expertise France has launched a tender for project management mission to carry out the following specific mission objectives: - Conduct a technical survey to determine the scope of repair work (including review of existing technical and design documentation for each lot (mental health centers and rehabilitation departments); - Propose technical solutions and prepare cost estimates for each lot, taking into account the defined budget: nature and scope of works, construction materials to be used, technological solutions, preliminary budget and preliminary schedule, including all stages of works to be performed; - Carry out all administrative procedures with the competent authorities in order to carry out the desired defined scope of work, including, but not limited to: coordination, meetings, site visits, formal and informal exchanges of information (e-mail, other communication channels); - Support Expertise France in the process of selecting construction companies to carry out the works (support in the development of tender documents, specifications, BoQs, selection committee, selection grid, selection report, questionnaire, evaluation, etc;) - To facilitate and supervise the process of the selection and approval of the chosen building materials, equipment and technologies necessary for smooth and uninterrupted repair process, repair performance, ensuring cross-cutting compliance with technical standards and approved specifications and medical assignments (medical task); - To conduct constant monitoring and quality control (architectural supervision) during all stages of the repair performance ; - To assist Expertise France in the administrative management of the work, in particular the schedule, quantification of the work and their invoicing, and the preparation of amendments if necessary; - To follow the conformity tests of materials, final tests of commissioning of infrastructures; - To assist Expertise France in the provisional preliminary and final acceptance of works and handing over to the Beneficiary the final scope of completed repair works after correction of all deviations (defects); - To ensure smooth communication with Expertise France on project status, progress, ongoing work at all stages and share all related documents, including but not limited to: reports, analytical notes, letters, commercial propositions, drawings, budgets, etc. - To support Expertise France with the necessary administrative procedures, including but not limited to registrations with the authorities, obtaining the necessary endorsements and building permits, etc. The consultant is required to have following set of expertise: -        Minimum bachelor's degree in civil engineering, civil engineering technology, or similar; -        Demonstrate at least 3 years of experience in construction industry as civil construction engineer, or similar; -        Knowledge of AVK-5, a Certificate of Technical Supervision Engineer will be an advantage; -        Experience in design, planning and implementation of civil design construction and health infrastructure projects will be an advantage; -        Demonstrate ability of working with Microsoft Office Suite -        Knowledge of regulatory documents and other guiding documents related to the construction industry, construction production technology, and the functions of the Customer in construction; -        Fluency in spoken and written English/French language will be an advantage; -        At least 5 years of experience in context-appropriate infrastructure design, management and oversight of the related procurements and services; -        Strong communication skills with variety of different stakeholders, including but not limited to: local, regional authorities, private companies, project staff.   Expertise France (EF) is a public agency and the interministerial actor in international technical cooperation. It became a subsidiary of the French Agency for Development Group (“Agence française de développement” in French/AFD Group) in January 2022. As the second largest agency in Europe, it designs and implements projects that sustainably strengthen public policies in developing and emerging countries on a range of policy issues (e.g. sustainable development, governance, stability, health, education). As the French public agency for international technical cooperation, Expertise France operates in more than 100 countries, implementing more than 400 projects. The agency works in close collaboration with French public institutions, as well as with the European Union, in order to respond to the needs of partner countries that wish to improve public policies that tackle these challenges. To do so, the agency coordinates and implements national- or regional-scale projects in major areas of public action: •       Democratic, economic and financial governance : •       Peace, stability and security : •       Climate, biodiversity and sustainable development : •       Health and human development :   Ukraine is a key partner for Expertise France, which has had a local presence since 2006 with a representative office and projects. Over the years, Expertise France has built up a relationship of trust with its partner administrations. The ongoing projects in Ukraine include: -        mAIDan -  the mAIDan Ukraine programme aims to mobilise French technical assistance to support Ukraine in responding to the emergency and preparing for reconstruction and the EU accession process in pre-identified sectors of operation, including health, mobility, urban development, digitalisation, and governance. -        Pravo – Justice – an EU-funded Project Pravo-Justice promoting greater rule of law in Ukraine, in line with European standards and comparative practices. -        L’Initiative - a French facilitaty complementary to the Global Fund against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Since 2022, it contributes to the fight against HIV and Tuberculosis in Ukraine through supporting the Ukrainian civil society to the benefit of the most vulnerable populations. In total, L’Initiative committed so far to finance 6 projects in Ukraine for 6.5 million euros and is providing technical assistance to the Public Health Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Ukraine’s need for support is of great scale and priority in the context of the ongoing war and starting to prepare for recovery processes. At the same time, Ukraine’s European and international partners are heavily mobilized to offer their support, both financial and technical. Therefore, in response to the growing needs of Ukraine  The APPUI Santé project and REHAB project The Priority Assistance in Emergency Period in Ukraine (APPUI Santé) is a project funded by the Crisis and Support Centre (CDCS) of the MEAE, in the amount of €16 million over 24 months. It is part of the French strategy for reconstruction and aid in Ukraine. General objective is to improve Ukrainian populations' access to essential healthcare services in times of crisis. The project’s three main pillars are as follows: 1- Mobilization of French expertise, particularly in priority sectors (cancer, mental health, physical and rehabilitation medicine), and coordination of Franco-Ukrainian hospital cooperation. 2- Rehabilitation of healthcare facilities in selected regions and locations. 3- Provision of specialized medical equipment.  The REHAB project – Recovery, rEform, and reHABilitation of the Ukrainian Health System is a project funded by French Development Bank (AFD), in the amount of €5 million over 24 months. General objective: Supporting Ukraine in financing, maintaining and strengthening its healthcare system to address the consequences of the conflict on the physical and mental health of Ukrainians.  • OS1 : Strengthen the provision of mental health and physical rehabilitation services within the healthcare pyramid by implementing reforms, providing training, supplying equipment, and rehabilitating healthcare facilities. • OS2 : Leverage gender-sensitive feasibility studies to improve access to health financing, supporting the long-term recovery of municipalities and regions in Ukraine.  

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Карточка вакансии:

  • Должность Consultancy for the implementation of the rehabilitation/construction activities in Odesa reg (M/W)
  • Размещено: 2025-03-05 21:46:31
  • Город , null,
  • Зарплата:
  • Компания: Expertise France