Работа aprendiz com 16 anos Украина. ⚡ Найдено 3605 вакансий

  • 2D UI Artist

    WHALEAPP Kiev, Ukraine 14 часов назад
    ... CV to: lehka.stanislava whaleapp.com
  • IWS Production Area Manager

    JTI 14 часов назад
    La JTI celebrăm diferențele, iar fiecare angajat simte că aparține cu adevărat. 46.000 de oameni din întreaga lume își construiesc povestea unică de succes alături de noi. 83% dintre angajați se simt fericiți lucrând la JTI. Pentru a face diferența alături ...
  • Key Account Manager

    JTI 14 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Entity Control & Reporting Manager

    JTI 14 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Area Sales Manager (Other Focused Channels, Travel Retail)

    JTI 14 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Consumer Data Activation Manager

    JTI 14 часов назад
    ... ? Apply now  Learn more: jti.com Consumer Data Activation Manager What ...
  • D&IT Business Solutions Manager - Temporary

    JTI 14 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us.  83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Middle/Senior Vue.js-Node.js Developer

    Ascendix Tech Europe, Remote 14 часов назад
    ... have deep experience in Salesforce.com CRM platforms and offer products, ...
  • Finance Control Accountant (Contract)

    JTI 14 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Quality Control Manager (m/f/d)

    JTI 14 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • NPD Specialist

    JTI 14 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Warehouse Development Supervisor

    JTI 14 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Продавець непродовольчих товарів відділу

    Епіцентр К Украина 14 часов назад
    ... резюме на k9.hr1 epicentrk.com
  • Tobacco Processing Technical Training Manager

    JTI 14 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Koordynator/-ka ds. Rozwoju Aplikacji Wspierających Sprzedaż

    JTI 14 часов назад
    ... ? Aplikuj terazDowiedz się więcej: jti.com Przyjmujemy aplikacje do 12 marcaKoordynator - ...
  • D&IT Business Solutions Analyst

    JTI 14 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Koordynator / -ka ds. Trade Marketingu

    JTI 14 часов назад
    W JTI cenimy różnorodność, tu każdy może być naprawdę sobą. 46 000 osób z całego świata nieustannie buduje swoją własną historię sukcesu z nami, a 83% pracowników deklaruje zadowolenie z pracy w naszej firmie. Chcesz być częścią tej społeczności? Razem z ...
  • People & Culture (HR) Trainee (m/f/d) - 6 months

    JTI 14 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Training and Development Associate

    JTI 14 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...
  • Brand Manager

    JTI 14 часов назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is ...