Работа Digital marketing Украина. ⚡ Найдено 639 вакансий в Украине

  • Trade Marketeer

    JTI 2 часа назад
    TRADE MARKETEER Objetivo de la posición:Esta posición es responsable de lograr los objetivos de ventas de la zona asignada y de ganar cuota de mercado a través de la correcta implementación de las actividades promocionales en Estancos y en Horecas. Adicionalmente, el Trade Marketeer tiene responsabi...

    JTI 2 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is bring your human best.What will your story...
  • Corporate Reporting Manager

    JTI 2 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is bring your human best.What will your story...
  • FG & NTM Warehouse Manager

    JTI 2 часа назад
    We’re JTI, Japan Tobacco International and we believe in freedom. We think that the possibilities are limitless when you’re free to choose. In fact, we’ve spent the last 20 years innovating, creating new and better products for our consumers to choose from. It’s how we’ve grown to be present in

    JTI 2 часа назад
    Мы — JTI, Japan Tobacco International, и мы представлены в 130 странах. Мы посвятили годы инновациям, создавая новые и более качественные продукты, из которых потребители могут выбирать. Это наш бизнес. Но не только. Наш бизнес — это наши люди. Их талант. Их потенциал. Мы верим, что, когда они свобо...
  • Creative Copywriter

    Shopping Cart Elite remote 2 часа назад
    Shopping Cart Elite is a full e-commerce solution that offers tools and features to help businesses create and run their online stores.Now We are looking for Creative Copywriter. Responsibilites:– Creation, editing and proofreading of engaging content for: email newsletters, push notifications, land...
  • Operation Manager

    Netpeak Odesa, Ukraine, Remote Ukraine 2 часа назад
    Саме для того, щоб допомогти керівникам сфокусувати свою увагу на розвитку бізнесу та розвантажити від поточних і побутових справ, ми створили команду операційних менеджерів куди шукаємо людину з відмінними навичками організації процесів та вирішення конфліктних ситуацій. Важлива перевага вакансії —...
  • FP&A Manager - Market Planning

    JTI 2 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is bring your human best.What will your story...
  • Performance And Reporting Expert

    JTI 2 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is bring your human best.What will your story...
  • Assistente de Crédito - São Paulo / SP

    JTI 2 часа назад
    Somos a JTI - Japan Tobacco International - e acreditamos na liberdade. Acreditamos que as possibilidades são infinitas quando você é livre para escolher. Na verdade, passamos os últimos 20 anos inovando, criando produtos novos e melhores para os nossos consumidores escolherem. É assim que crescemos...
  • Vendedor (a) Externo (a) Pronta-Entrega - Lajeado / RS

    JTI 2 часа назад
    Somos a JTI - Japan Tobacco International - e acreditamos na liberdade. Acreditamos que as possibilidades são infinitas quando você é livre para escolher. Na verdade, passamos os últimos 20 anos inovando, criando produtos novos e melhores para os nossos consumidores escolherem. É assim que crescemos...
  • Head of Communications

    Ajax Systems , Kyiv, 16 часов назад
    Ajax Systems is searching for an experienced, battle-tested, and visionary Head of Communications to lead and shape the company's communication efforts across two pivotal markets: the global market and the domestic Ukrainian market . This position requires a unique blend of seasoned expertise and un...
  • Talent Advisor with German and English

    JTI 2 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is bring your human best.What will your story...
  • Product Manager

    Genesis Ukraine, Remote 2 часа назад
    OBRIO is an IT company with Ukrainian roots inside Genesis business ecosystem. Our team consists of more than 120 talented professionals whose ambitions and striving for success help us build the best products on the market. Currently, the OBRIO team works remotely from various locations in Ukraine
  • Digital Project Manager

    Netpeak Full Remote 2 часа назад
    Netpeak - агентство з 16-річним досвідом у performance-маркетингу. У нашому портфоліо 3000 проєктів, у тому числі OLX, Intertop, Eva, Алло, Rozetka, Prom.ua, PrivatBank та Планета Кіно.Ми шукаємо Middle Project Manager’a із досвідом ведення digital-проєктів. Ти зможеш повністю координувати надання п...
  • Редактор инфографических спецпроектов

    Top Lead remote 2 часа назад
    Согласен с тем, что через 5 лет тексты почти никто не будет читать, все будут смотреть инфографику и видео? И хочешь делать контент будущего уже сейчас, чтобы через 5 лет стать признанным экспертом в его создании?Мы, контент-маркетинговое агентство Top Lead, уже сейчас создаем визуальный образовател...
  • Consumer Strategic Insights Manager RoMoBu

    JTI 2 часа назад
    We are JTI, Japan Tobacco International, and we are present in 130 countries. We have spent years innovating, creating new and better products for the consumers to choose from. This is our business. But not only. Our business is our people. Their talent. Their potential. We believe that when they ar...
  • Senior Product Analyst

    United Tech Kyiv 2 часа назад
    Apply Now
  • PPC Specialist

    Shopping Cart Elite remote 2 часа назад
    Shopping Cart Elite is a full e-commerce solution that offers tools and features to help businesses create and run their online stores.Now We are looking for PPC Specialist.Requirements:– Experience with Google Ads and Facebook Ads 1+ years– Experience with Yahoo, Yandex Direct, Bing 1+ years– Knowl...
  • GSC Category Manager

    JTI 2 часа назад
    At JTI we celebrate differences, and everyone truly belongs. 46,000 people from all over the world are continuously building their unique success story with us. 83% of employees feel happy working at JTI.To make a difference with us, all you need to do is bring your human best.What will your story...